We are an Adelaide Natural Health Clinic that can offer holistic services to support and facilitate you towards regaining your health and cultivate your healing with East Asian Medicine.
East Asian Medicine is based on thousands of years of sound medical observation and practice. You may also know this as Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. These medicines have withstood the test of time in a modern world.
Is there a difference between Acupuncture and Dry needling? Yes! Acupuncture is a regulated industry. Dry needling, Acuneedling, Electro-Dry Needling and other terms used for soft tissue needling that are not carried out by a Registered Acupuncturist is not Acupuncture, nor is that industry regulated by a governing body like Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is. Acupuncture requires a Bachelor of Health Science qualification with a minimum of 3-4 years supervised clinical training, Dry needling often only requires a 3 day workshop.
Acupuncture treats the whole person with a range of sound diagnostic techniques unique to East Asian Medicine. Acupuncture can be gentle, effective and relaxing, getting to the root cause of your dis-ease without vigorous or painful needle techniques. We also offer herbal formulas and other treatment modalities that are part of the 'TCM tool belt' to provide a holistic service.
***Our practitioners are degree qualified and registered*** Informed consent and client education are imperative to providing a safe and positive treatment for you. Please feel welcome to ask any questions prior to booking
HOW CAN WE SUPPORT YOUR HEALTH GOALS? Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine can support you in improving your health to address a variety of symptoms including(not limited to) acute and chronic pain injuries & arthritis headaches and fatigue seasonal allergies and sinus congestion PMS and menstrual irregularities insomnia, anxiety and lethargy digestion and skin complaints lingering colds & flu fertility and post pregnancy care
SARAH KIBBLE Registered Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine practitioner that utilises multi-modality treatments to support both the root cause and symptoms of a variety of health conditions.
Areas of interest include musculoskeletal pain and injury, insomnia & stress reduction, PMS, Women's Health, seasonal allergies, general health and wellbeing support. You can book in for single modality treatments or have a combination of East Asian Medicines of Acupuncture, Tuina, Cupping, Gua Sha, Moxibustion, Herbal Formula, Exercise Prescription(from injury specific to Qi Gong and strength training instruction), Facilitated Stretching, TCM nutrition therapy. Qualifications: Bachelor of Health Science(Acupuncture) Bachelor of Applied Science(Human Movement) Diploma of Remedial Massage Certificate lV in Fitness Diploma Community Service(Management) Current contintuing education studies 2024: Chinese Herbal Medicine Prescribing, Classical East Asian Medicine Lineage training.
Sarah is registered with AHPRA(Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and a member of AACMA(Australian Acupunture & Chinese Medicine Association). HICAPS (on the spot health fund rebates) available.Private Health Fund Rebates vary between the health funds, levels of extras cover and the type of treatment you receive. Please contact your health fund provider for an accurate rebate quote you receive for Acupuncture. Cash accepted, eftpos facilities available. All times available via the online booking buttons. Phone and email bookings also welcome.